Kristal and I have run into a theological conundrum regarding James. Last Sunday at church while we were taking communion Kristal leaned over chuckling and whispered into my ear, "What in the world are we going to do in the future when, if James becomes a Christian--How is he going to take communion?" For the uninformed: Our son, James, cannot eat through his mouth.
Are we going to administer it to him through his g-tube? Are there any theological issues with this (those who hold to transubstantiation are not allowed to answer)? I wonder if they make special communion blenders for those who have eating challenges. Unblended crackers would certainly clog his tube.
Maybe his eating issues will cause a change in the way that communion is done from this time forward. I can see it now....
500 years from now...Pastors will distort all sorts of texts to prove their form of administering the Lord's supper:
Little Joey: "Mom, why does communion come in a syringe?"
Mommy: "You know Joey, that's a good question. I guess that's just the way things have always been done. You will have to ask Pastor Jackleg after the service."
500 years from now...Good going James!
Pastor Jackleg: "Turn in your bibles to Matthew 26:26-27. In this passage Matthew says that Jesus "broke" the bread. Everyone knows that the Greek word for "break" (clao) does not mean to break but to "grind in a blender." Yes my friends, that's right, Jesus invented the blender. There are actually people out there who don't grind their communion. They are heretics!"
As you can tell... we need instruction.
I love you! Very funny but also very scary because your little scenario really depicts the evolution of certain church traditions turned Gospel.
Yes, yes. We Christians can be so stupid. I have been studying the history of the Anabaptists over the past few weeks for a class at seminary. It is amazing to me how many people were put to death (and not just by Catholics) simply because they would not baptize their babies. It makes me wonder how these things become gospel so fast. Good reason to cling to Scripture alone. I just don't understand it--the church killing itself--hmmmm. I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet, but I have high hopes: I don't think James' communion situation will end in church splits. Ha
hilarious! (except for the part about the Church being stupid). That is a good question!
stupid: I just can't find another word that gets at the heart about Christians killing other Christians over baptism issues. Sinful maybe. Maybe stupid and sinful. Yeah, I think both fit the bill.
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