Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christian vs. American Worldview Part VIII

Well, this is the last of an eight part series on the topic of "worldview." In this post I will be answering the question, "What is life for" from the perspective of an average American. As you read this, do your best to remember what life was like before you came to know Christ--feel the despair--feel the longing. May your heart be wrenched to pray for those you know who live in such a morass of despair. Do not ever minimize the despair of living without Christ. May your compassion for needy sinners, and your passion for Christ drive you to proclaim the Good News.

"Some, in theory, believe that there is no purpose for life—these folks are the minority in America (contrary to popular Christian opinion). Most Americans, however, agree that there probably is a greater purpose for life, but have not yet figured out what it is. These people usually die frustrated, trying to figure out the true purpose of their existence. They live as if the purpose of their life is to produce temporal happiness. But, they know that there must be something more. There is a God-shaped hole in their heart and they have had (on average) 70 years of everyday life to figure out that temporal happiness is not filling it. Most people are frustrated and confused because they know there must be more. The only way they know how to deal with the confusion is to kill it with the pursuit of happiness. But, deep inside they know they are missing something."
I wrote this about 2 months ago. This past Sunday, I watched 60 Minutes for the first time since... I don't know... uhhh... 1992, or something like that. On this segment, Steve Kroft interviewed Tom Brady. Brady exhibited this exact same struggle and despair. This morning as I sat down to do this last post on the topic of worldview, I realized exactly how correct my assessment of the American mindset was/is.

Brady said,
“Why do I have three Super Bowl rings and still think there's something greater out there for me? I mean, maybe a lot of people would say, ‘Hey man, this is what is.’ I reached my goal, my dream, my life. Me, I think, ‘God, it's got to be more than this.’ I mean this isn't, this can't be what it's all cracked up to be.”
Kroft pressed Brady to see if he knew what was missing.

Brady responded by saying, "I wish I knew. I wish I knew. I love playing football and I love being quarterback for this team. But at the same time, I think there are a lot of other parts about me that I’m trying to find."

What despair! What more could Brady gain? And yet, he is empty. Right now I sit in my kitchen as a poor seminary student rearing a medically challenged child. I have no job security, no money, an old car, and a big sliver in my thumb (I got it while loading wood this morning). And yet, I am completely fulfilled. I couldn't ask for more, nor do I necessarily want more. I have Christ, therefore I am happy.

Dr. Tom Ascol has written an excellent post on how, if he were the correspondent interviewing Brady, he would have responded to him. You can check it out by clicking here. I highly recommend reading Dr. Ascol's response. I could not have answered better (surprise, surprise).


Anonymous said...

Jimmy Snowden,

I enjoy your blog page! This is awesome. The material you put on this site is very encouraging.

This is a note to inform you that I have finally become relevant; I am now entering into....dun,dun,DUN....The BLOG WORLD(slight echo). I would like to keep up with you all and learn some things while I am at it. So....BLOG on my brother, and I will do my best to stay relevant.

I have a blog page:

I have one sad little post, but it is a start...I hope.

Amy and I will be praying for you all especially for little James.

Now, I a new blogger and all...I should reply to your post.


Concerning the issue of true happiness, John Piper provides excellent insight in his taste and see article

God's Glory and the Deepest Joy of Human Souls Are One Thing

He provides fifteen implications concerning the issue, but I would like to discuss one of them.
“1. God’s passion for his own glory and his passion for my joy in him are not at odds.”

In essence, Piper is suggesting that the reason why Christians are capable of owning contentment and satisfaction is the result of God’s passion for my joy and contentment and satisfaction. A unregenerate does not have that. The reason why Brady cannot feel contentment is because God is not living and growing (in essence) inside of his heart, mind and affections. said...

Interesting blog. I'd love to see more on exegesis and biblical hermeneutics. (I'm big on that kind of stuff.)

I think you might find my blog of some interest- check it out: A Return to Christianity.

Happy New Year!

Jimmy Snowden said...

A return to Christianity:
Thanks for the comment. I also love hermeneutics. I would love to write more on the subject. I started this blog by writing introductory information to the subject, but found the blog too wooden and lifeless. Now I take the approach to talk about it here and there. I pretty much just write on whatever grabs me at the moment--this seems to be the best approach to blogging. Anyway, I will check out your blog.

Hope to fellowship via blog.

Jimmy said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

I messed up on my previous comment.

Here's what I was going to say:

Yeah, I've found that my blog is quite unwilling to follow any structured regimen. But of course, that is the advantage of running a blog and not a more formal website.

I guess I'll have to start reading your blog on a more regular basis, then.

A Return to Christianity said...

By the way, when I said "I guess I'll have to start reading your blog on a more regular basis, then," I meant to look for hermeneutical tips. :)